Terapi Herbal, Sayuran dan Buah Mendongkrak Kesuburan Wanita
9 months: Terapi Herbal, Sayuran dan Buah Mendongkrak Kesuburan Wanita
Setahun atau dua tahun setelah nikah belum juga diberi momongan mungkin masih belum meresahkan. Namun bagi yang sudah bertahun-tahun,bisa jadi berbagai anjuran bertubi-tubi datang kepada anda dan pasangan. Selain periksa kesehatan ke dokter, biasanya ada juga yang memilih pengobatan alternative. Belakangan ini terapi herbal untuk mendongkrak kesuburan semakin mudah didapat.
Berikut adalah beberapa jenis tanaman herbal yang berkhasiat untuk meningkatkan kesuburan khususnya bagi wanita. Terapi herbal dari sayur dan buah bisa dibilang tak ada efek samping. Sekaligus menyehatkan dan membuat kulit anda makin mulus.
Pegagan (Centella asiatica, (Linn), Urb.)
Biasa juga disebut antanan (sunda) dan ditambahkan untuk bahan asinan sayuran.
Asiaticoside, thankuniside, isothankuniside, madecassoside, brahmoside, brahminoside, brahmic acid, madasiatic acid, meso-inositol, centellose, carotenoids, garam-garam mineral.
Zat madecassosside mampu merangsang produksi kolagen dalam tubuh serta regenerasi sel telur (ovum) pada perempuan dan sel sperma laki-laki. Tak hanya itu, tanaman ini juga mengandung karoten yang berperan tak hanya sebagai antioksidan tapi juga menjaga mutu sperma dan sel telur. Caranya dengan melindungi dinding sperma dan sel telur dari kerusakan akibat radikal bebas.
Mineral mineral seperti kalium, natrium, kalsium, besi dan fosfor dalam pegagan juga penting bagi kesehatan tubuh. Sertakan daun segar ini dalam menu harian sebagai lalapan untuk mendapat hasil maksimal.
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Bringing up children is a very important technique parents must have acquired to make sure their children become a successful person when they are grown up.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
What to do When Kids Go off Their Meds: Brain-based Learning Strategies for ADD/ADHD
Steven Nissen, a prominent Cleveland Ohio Cardiologist recently prodded the FDA's Advisory committee to put a black box warning on Ritalin, warning of potential heart danger. Why? From 1999 to 2003, 81 deaths and 54 nonfatal cardiovascular events such as heart attacks have possible links to Ritalin and similar drugs.
During the same period 78 million prescriptions were written for children up to the age of 18. Today two million kids a month take these drugs.
These are startling statistics to put it mildly! Assuming Nissen is correct, Ritalin is a pretty dangerous method of improving brain-based learning.
Now before I go any further with this story, please do not take a child off their ADD medication or suggest to a parent that such should be done. I am not a medical doctor. I do not prescribe. If you want to look into lowering a dosage or stopping a child's medications, you must talk to a doctor.
What does this story mean in terms of ADD behavior at home and in the classroom? How does it affect brain-based learning? I predict that anxious parents and doctors are going to take kids off their meds. Now what are we going do with 2 million hyperactive kids!
For years, we haven't had to take responsibility for helping these kids or keeping ourselves from going crazy trying to keep some kind of order in the classroom and at home. The drugs did it for us. Now we may be on our own.
Here are ten brain-based learning strategies to help you and your kids cope:
1. Decrease sugar including drinking fruit juice. Cut down on bread and pasta, esp. that made with white, processed flour.
2. Limit TV and video games, especially TV and games that have lots of flashing lights.
3. Help them get organized. Keep a schedule and be consistent.
4. To help with reading focus, let kids read aloud and record their voice. You could read something yourself or purchase a "book on tape." Now they can read along while listening. If they can't sit still for the whole tape, let them listen while moving around. Listening skills are a necessary ingredient for good reading.
5. Practice deep breathing. Kids can even be taught a simple form of meditation which is nothing more than watching one's breath.Even getting more oxygen to the brain is a brain-based learning technique.
6. Cross right ankle over left and then give yourself a hug by crossing arms across the body, left over right. Reduces the stress in the central nervous system. Try it yourself.
7. Decrease visual distractions in children's rooms and at school. Fewer pictures, mobiles, toys. Less stuff.
8. Exercise: play, run, skip, insist on recess at school.
9. Do Brain Gym®. See www.braingymclasses.com. Some kids have gone off their meds or at least had doses reduced by doing Brain Gym. Another very effective brain-based learning strategy.
10. Eat more foods with Omega-3 fatty acids like wild salmon, sardines, tuna, flaxseed, flaxseed oil. Take fish-oil supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids increase the production of neurotransmitter chemicals just as Ritalin does.
Brain-based learning strategies include attention to what we feed our brains and how that food affects the brain's neurotransmitters.
Using these teacher resources and parenting tips will help you help children get control over ADD/ADHD, settle down, and learn more easily.
About The Author
MaryJo Wagner, Ph.D.The Learning Doctor "Helping You Help Yor Kids Learn".
Sign up for a brain-based learning newsletter to help your kids learn faster and easier at http://www.brain-based-learning.com/newslettersubscribe.htm.
Article source: http://www.articles3000.com/Kids-and-Teens/21420/What-to-do-When-Kids-Go-off-Their-Meds-Brain-based-Learning-Strategies-for-ADD-ADHD.html
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During the same period 78 million prescriptions were written for children up to the age of 18. Today two million kids a month take these drugs.
These are startling statistics to put it mildly! Assuming Nissen is correct, Ritalin is a pretty dangerous method of improving brain-based learning.
Now before I go any further with this story, please do not take a child off their ADD medication or suggest to a parent that such should be done. I am not a medical doctor. I do not prescribe. If you want to look into lowering a dosage or stopping a child's medications, you must talk to a doctor.
What does this story mean in terms of ADD behavior at home and in the classroom? How does it affect brain-based learning? I predict that anxious parents and doctors are going to take kids off their meds. Now what are we going do with 2 million hyperactive kids!
For years, we haven't had to take responsibility for helping these kids or keeping ourselves from going crazy trying to keep some kind of order in the classroom and at home. The drugs did it for us. Now we may be on our own.
Here are ten brain-based learning strategies to help you and your kids cope:
1. Decrease sugar including drinking fruit juice. Cut down on bread and pasta, esp. that made with white, processed flour.
2. Limit TV and video games, especially TV and games that have lots of flashing lights.
3. Help them get organized. Keep a schedule and be consistent.
4. To help with reading focus, let kids read aloud and record their voice. You could read something yourself or purchase a "book on tape." Now they can read along while listening. If they can't sit still for the whole tape, let them listen while moving around. Listening skills are a necessary ingredient for good reading.
5. Practice deep breathing. Kids can even be taught a simple form of meditation which is nothing more than watching one's breath.Even getting more oxygen to the brain is a brain-based learning technique.
6. Cross right ankle over left and then give yourself a hug by crossing arms across the body, left over right. Reduces the stress in the central nervous system. Try it yourself.
7. Decrease visual distractions in children's rooms and at school. Fewer pictures, mobiles, toys. Less stuff.
8. Exercise: play, run, skip, insist on recess at school.
9. Do Brain Gym®. See www.braingymclasses.com. Some kids have gone off their meds or at least had doses reduced by doing Brain Gym. Another very effective brain-based learning strategy.
10. Eat more foods with Omega-3 fatty acids like wild salmon, sardines, tuna, flaxseed, flaxseed oil. Take fish-oil supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids increase the production of neurotransmitter chemicals just as Ritalin does.
Brain-based learning strategies include attention to what we feed our brains and how that food affects the brain's neurotransmitters.
Using these teacher resources and parenting tips will help you help children get control over ADD/ADHD, settle down, and learn more easily.
About The Author
MaryJo Wagner, Ph.D.The Learning Doctor "Helping You Help Yor Kids Learn".
Sign up for a brain-based learning newsletter to help your kids learn faster and easier at http://www.brain-based-learning.com/newslettersubscribe.htm.
Article source: http://www.articles3000.com/Kids-and-Teens/21420/What-to-do-When-Kids-Go-off-Their-Meds-Brain-based-Learning-Strategies-for-ADD-ADHD.html
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Sunday, July 8, 2012
Anakku, Ibu Mencintaimu
Anakku, Ibu Mencintaimu
Sumber: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=64725696242
Panduan Islam dari Sebelum Hamil sampai Merawat Anak Setelah Melahirkan
Kelopak mata wanita muda itu tiba-tiba terlihat berkaca-kaca. Nampak sekali ia sedang berupaya untuk menahan tetes-tetes air matanya. Namun rasa duka yang memenuhi relung-relung jiwanya membuatnya tak bisa lebih lama lagi menahan air matanya. Tangis sedih wanita berkerudung itupun meledak. Air matanya mengalir deras membasahi kedua pipi merahnya. Hatinya seperti tertusuk sembilu. Dari dalam sukmanya membuncah rasa gundah. Rasa pedih yang datang mendera tak kunjung pergi menepi. Air mata wanita itu tak jua mereda.
Di tengah isak tangisnya, wanita itu berbisik lirih, “Ustadz Hamy, rasa sesal tiba-tiba memenuhi rongga jiwa saat ustadz menjelaskan bahwa tidak ada anak yang nakal, yang ada hanyalah orang tua yang semakin tidak sabar. Tidak ada anak yang bodoh, yang ada hanyalah anak yang menonjol di salah satu atau beberapa kecerdasan majemuk. Karena itu jadilah bidadari yang membahagiakan anak-anak Anda, jangan menjadi monster yang mengerikan mereka. Memang, boleh jadi Anda tidak akan pernah bisa menjadi orang tua yang sempurna, akan tetapi yakinlah bahwa insya Allah Anda bisa menjadi orang tua yang hebat bagi mereka.”
Isak tangis ibu muda berputra dua itu semakin menjadi-jadi saat menguraikan nestapa yang mendera jiwanya. Wajah cantiknya terlihat berduka ketika mengungkapkan lara yang menyelimuti hatinya. “Ustadz Hamy memang benar. Bekal saya untuk menjadi ibu yang hebat bagi buah hati saya masih sangat kurang. Sering saya mendidik ananda seperti dahulu ibu saya mendidik anak-anaknya,” kata wanita itu sambil terisak-isak. “ Sudah tak terhitung rasanya kata-kata bodoh, nakal, kurang ajar menerjang jiwa ananda. Sulit dihitung sudah berapa kali tubuh mungil itu teraniaya oleh ayah bundanya,” imbuhnya.
Ibu muda itu tak sendirian. Ibu-ibu lain yang mirip dengannya sangat banyak jumlahnya. Bekal mereka tentang buah cintanya sangat kurang. Paradigma mereka tentang buah hatinya banyak yang keliru. Mereka tidak mengerti tentang fase tumbuh kembang lambang cintanya. Karena itu tanpa mereka sadari, sikap mereka justru sering membunuh rasa ingin tahu anak-anak mereka. Bentakan mereka justru sering menghambat laju tumbuh kembang jiwa putra-putri mereka. Kekerasan mereka sering membuat potensi kecerdasan majemuk ananda tidak bisa tumbuh optimal justru di saat mereka berada dalam masa usia emas.
Namun ibu muda itu mempunyai bekal berharga untuk menjelma menjadi ibu yang hebat bagi kedua buah cintanya. Rasa sesal dalam hatinya dapat menjadi pemicu untuk mengisi detik-detik kehidupannya dengan terus meningkatkan pemahamannya tentang anak. Duka lara yang menyelimuti jiwanya dapat membuat dirinya terus berusaha memiliki ketrampilan untuk mendampingi buah hatinya dengan penuh cinta. Rasa pedih yang menghiasi hatinya dapat membuat setiap waktunya menjadi waktu-waktu yang hebat untuk putra-putrinya.
Ia akan mengerti bahwa tubuh-tubuh mungil itu membutuhkan asupan makanan yang bergizi, bukan racun nikotin. Wajah-wajah tanpa dosa itu memerlukan kecupan mesra, bukan tamparan. Jiwa-jiwa suci itu mendamba cinta kasih, bukan caci maki. Hati-hati bening itu mengharap pujian, bukan bentakan. Mereka memerlukan jemari tangan ibunya untuk membelai rambut mereka dengan penuh cinta. Mereka membutuhkan pundak ibunya untuk menggendongnya. Mereka menginginkan lengan kita untuk mendekap mesra tubuh mungilnya. Anak-anak kita itu selalu menanti bisik lirih kita, “ Anakku, Ibu mencintaimu. “
Di tengah isak tangisnya, wanita itu berbisik lirih, “Ustadz Hamy, rasa sesal tiba-tiba memenuhi rongga jiwa saat ustadz menjelaskan bahwa tidak ada anak yang nakal, yang ada hanyalah orang tua yang semakin tidak sabar. Tidak ada anak yang bodoh, yang ada hanyalah anak yang menonjol di salah satu atau beberapa kecerdasan majemuk. Karena itu jadilah bidadari yang membahagiakan anak-anak Anda, jangan menjadi monster yang mengerikan mereka. Memang, boleh jadi Anda tidak akan pernah bisa menjadi orang tua yang sempurna, akan tetapi yakinlah bahwa insya Allah Anda bisa menjadi orang tua yang hebat bagi mereka.”
Isak tangis ibu muda berputra dua itu semakin menjadi-jadi saat menguraikan nestapa yang mendera jiwanya. Wajah cantiknya terlihat berduka ketika mengungkapkan lara yang menyelimuti hatinya. “Ustadz Hamy memang benar. Bekal saya untuk menjadi ibu yang hebat bagi buah hati saya masih sangat kurang. Sering saya mendidik ananda seperti dahulu ibu saya mendidik anak-anaknya,” kata wanita itu sambil terisak-isak. “ Sudah tak terhitung rasanya kata-kata bodoh, nakal, kurang ajar menerjang jiwa ananda. Sulit dihitung sudah berapa kali tubuh mungil itu teraniaya oleh ayah bundanya,” imbuhnya.
Ibu muda itu tak sendirian. Ibu-ibu lain yang mirip dengannya sangat banyak jumlahnya. Bekal mereka tentang buah cintanya sangat kurang. Paradigma mereka tentang buah hatinya banyak yang keliru. Mereka tidak mengerti tentang fase tumbuh kembang lambang cintanya. Karena itu tanpa mereka sadari, sikap mereka justru sering membunuh rasa ingin tahu anak-anak mereka. Bentakan mereka justru sering menghambat laju tumbuh kembang jiwa putra-putri mereka. Kekerasan mereka sering membuat potensi kecerdasan majemuk ananda tidak bisa tumbuh optimal justru di saat mereka berada dalam masa usia emas.
Namun ibu muda itu mempunyai bekal berharga untuk menjelma menjadi ibu yang hebat bagi kedua buah cintanya. Rasa sesal dalam hatinya dapat menjadi pemicu untuk mengisi detik-detik kehidupannya dengan terus meningkatkan pemahamannya tentang anak. Duka lara yang menyelimuti jiwanya dapat membuat dirinya terus berusaha memiliki ketrampilan untuk mendampingi buah hatinya dengan penuh cinta. Rasa pedih yang menghiasi hatinya dapat membuat setiap waktunya menjadi waktu-waktu yang hebat untuk putra-putrinya.
Ia akan mengerti bahwa tubuh-tubuh mungil itu membutuhkan asupan makanan yang bergizi, bukan racun nikotin. Wajah-wajah tanpa dosa itu memerlukan kecupan mesra, bukan tamparan. Jiwa-jiwa suci itu mendamba cinta kasih, bukan caci maki. Hati-hati bening itu mengharap pujian, bukan bentakan. Mereka memerlukan jemari tangan ibunya untuk membelai rambut mereka dengan penuh cinta. Mereka membutuhkan pundak ibunya untuk menggendongnya. Mereka menginginkan lengan kita untuk mendekap mesra tubuh mungilnya. Anak-anak kita itu selalu menanti bisik lirih kita, “ Anakku, Ibu mencintaimu. “
Sumber: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=64725696242
Monday, July 2, 2012
Doa Diajar Rasulullah saww Menghindar Anak Dari Gangguan Syaitan
Doa yang baik untuk kita baca kepada anak-anak supaya terhindar daripada syaitan yang bernama ummu sibyan yang sering mengganggu anak-anak kecil.
"Aku berlindung akan dikau dengan kalimah-kalimah Allah yang sempurna daripada setiap syaitan dan binatang merbahaya dan daripada hasad yang bahaya"
Baca doa ini di tapak tangan dan sapu keseluruhan badan anak kecil tersebut.
Elok juga diambil minyak zaitun palestine dan sapu kepada rambut anak-anak kecil kerana syaitan takut dengan minyak zaitun.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Kerajaan haramkan botol susu bayi polikarbonat 'Bisphenol A'
KHAIRUNNISA Kasnoon, 27 menunjukkan perbezaan botol susu
yang diharamkan selepas sidang media pengharaman penjualan
botol susu bayi polikarbonat yang mengandungi bisphenol A,
di Putrajaya, hari ini. - Foto Izhari Ariffin
PUTRAJAYA: 2011/03/14
Kerajaan memutuskan untuk mengharamkan penjualan botol susu bayi polikarbonat yang mengandungi 'Bisphenol A' (BPA), berkuat kuasa 1 Mac 2012, kata Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.
Beliau berkata perkara itu diputuskan oleh Jemaah Menteri pada 2 Mac lalu sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga kerana sehingga kini tiada bukti saintifik yang kukuh menunjukkan botol susu tersebut adalah selamat untuk digunakan oleh golongan berisiko tinggi terutamanya bayi dan kanak-kanak.
FAMILI Strategi Anak makan Sayur
Satu kelebihan kaedah Jessica adalah ‘menyembunyikan’ sayuran di dalam menu makanan anak dalam bentuk puri.
KEBANYAKAN Kanak-kanak Enggan Mengambil Sayur.
MENOLAK makanan bersayur atau sayuran adalah sebahagian daripada cabaran ibu bapa dalam menyediakan menu makanan si kecil.
Kerenah dan sikap cerewet anak dalam memilih makanan, ada ketikanya boleh membuatkan ibu bapa letih dan pening kepala. Di mana-mana sahaja di dunia misalnya Amerika Syarikat, ibu bapa juga terpaksa berdepan dengan isu yang sama.
Pelbagai kaedah dan ganjaran turut ditawarkan semata-mata untuk mendapatkan anak mengunyah bahan yang dinamakan sayuran ini. Tetapi, hasilnya masih kurang memuaskan.
Seperti juga kebanyakan ibu bapa lain, seorang ibu kepada tiga orang anak, Jessica Seinfeld percaya masalah ini boleh diatasi.
MENDIDIK anak memakan sayur memerlukan strategi tersendiri.
Jessica yang juga isteri kepada pelawak terkemuka, Jerry Seinfeld, turut berdepan dengan kemelut hidangan antisayuran dalam kalangan anak-anaknya sendiri.
Malah, kata Jessica, menjadi ibu sesungguhnya satu peluang untuk mencabar keupayaan diri dari semasa ke semasa.
Hasil daripada itu, maka berputiklah rahsia penyediaan hidangan yang enak dan bernutrisi untuk anak-anaknya menerusi penghasilan buku sulungnya, Deceptively Delicious.{Read From Original Source....}
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Web Berguna Istimewa Untuk Ibu
1. Sokongan Untuk Ibu Berkerja
2. Starfall.com as a free public service to teach children to read with phonics.
3. Cara Penyimpanan Susu Ibu
4. Try Masak
5. Laman Info Kesihatan Keluarga
6. Cinta dan Kahwin
7. Susu Ibu
8. Petua Tradisional
9. Akademi Sulaman
10. wanita2u.com/
11. Islamic Play Ground
12. Healthy Kids
13. Hanya Yang Halal
14. Seni Hias
15. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
16. Himpunan Doa Harian
17. Resipi Rasa
18. Majalah Hartanah Online
20. Kesihatan Wanita
21. UpToTen
22. Portal Pengguna Bijak
23. Discover The Beauty of Islam
24. Baby Center
25. Bicara Tentang Tumbuhan
26. Mingguan Wanita
27. Book Cheap Hotels
28. The Literacy Center Education Network
29. Laman Bisnes Songsang
30. Petua Tradisional
2. Starfall.com as a free public service to teach children to read with phonics.
3. Cara Penyimpanan Susu Ibu
4. Try Masak
5. Laman Info Kesihatan Keluarga
6. Cinta dan Kahwin
7. Susu Ibu
8. Petua Tradisional
9. Akademi Sulaman
10. wanita2u.com/
11. Islamic Play Ground
12. Healthy Kids
13. Hanya Yang Halal
14. Seni Hias
15. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
16. Himpunan Doa Harian
17. Resipi Rasa
18. Majalah Hartanah Online
20. Kesihatan Wanita
21. UpToTen
22. Portal Pengguna Bijak
23. Discover The Beauty of Islam
24. Baby Center
25. Bicara Tentang Tumbuhan
26. Mingguan Wanita
27. Book Cheap Hotels
28. The Literacy Center Education Network
29. Laman Bisnes Songsang
30. Petua Tradisional
Cara mudah untuk makan lebih banyak buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran
Ditulis untuk BabyCenter Malaysia
- Berapa banyakkah buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran yang saya perlukan?
- Makan lebih banyak buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran yang anda betul-betul suka
- Ambil multivitamin antenatal harian
- Cuba buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran yang luar biasa
- Berikan diri anda layanan istimewa dengan buah-buahan di luar musim
- Pilih buah-buahan beku, yang dalam tin atau buah-buahan kering
- Cuba minum buah-buah itu
- Makan mentah
- Ubahkan rupa
- Teruskan mencuba
Sumber: http://www.babycenter.com.my/
Membentuk Akhlak Mulia
Friday, June 22, 2012
Menyambut Kelahiran Anak 3 : Azan Dan Iqamah
Dalam tempoh yang segera yang mungkin, anak itu perlu diazan dan diiqamatkan. Adalah sunat untuk azan di teliga kanannya, dan iqamat di telinga kirinya. Seeloknya, si bapa sendiri yang melaksanakan tugas yang ringkas, tapi penuh makna ini
Azanlah dan iqamatlah dengan penuh khusyuk, pasrah dan mengharap. Pastikan suaranya jelas, sebutannya tepat dan lebih baik lagi bersama dengan menghayatan maknanya. Sambil azan dan iqamah, bolehlah hati bapa tadi mendambakan harap agar Allah jadikan telinga, mata, lidah dan seluruh anggota anak itu dekat dengan Allah, dan jauh dari syaitan.
Kat sini ada lagi....
Azanlah dan iqamatlah dengan penuh khusyuk, pasrah dan mengharap. Pastikan suaranya jelas, sebutannya tepat dan lebih baik lagi bersama dengan menghayatan maknanya. Sambil azan dan iqamah, bolehlah hati bapa tadi mendambakan harap agar Allah jadikan telinga, mata, lidah dan seluruh anggota anak itu dekat dengan Allah, dan jauh dari syaitan.
Kat sini ada lagi....
2007-11-26 |
2007-11-26 |
Di antara anak wanita Rasulullah saw, Fathimah Az-Zahra a.s, merupakan wanita paling utama kedudukannya. Kemuliannya itu diperoleh sejak menjelang kelahirannya, yang didampingi wanita suci sebagaimana yang diucapkan oleh Khadijah:
“Pada waktu kelahiran Fartimah a.s, aku meminta bantuan wanita-wanita Qurays tetanggaku, untuk menolong. Namun mereka menolak mentah-mentah sambil mengatakan bahwa aku telah menghianati mereka dengan mendukung Muhammad. Sejenak aku bingung dan terkejut luar biasa ketika melihat empat orang tinggi besar yang tak kukenal, dengan lingkaran cahaya disekitar mereka mendekati aku. Ketika mereka mendapati aku dalam kecemasan salah seorang dri mereka menyapaku: ‘Wahai Khadijah! Aku adalah Sarah, ibunda Ishhaq dan tiga orang yang menyapaku adalah Maryam, Ibunda Isa, Asiah, Putri Muzahim, dan Ummu Kultsum, Saudara perempuan Musa. Kami semua diperintah oleh Allah untuk mengajarkan ilmu keperawatan kami jika anda bersedia”. Sambil mengatakan hal tersebut, mereka semua duduk di sekelilingku dan memberikan pelayanan kebidanan sampai putriku Fathimah a.s lahir.”
“Pada waktu kelahiran Fartimah a.s, aku meminta bantuan wanita-wanita Qurays tetanggaku, untuk menolong. Namun mereka menolak mentah-mentah sambil mengatakan bahwa aku telah menghianati mereka dengan mendukung Muhammad. Sejenak aku bingung dan terkejut luar biasa ketika melihat empat orang tinggi besar yang tak kukenal, dengan lingkaran cahaya disekitar mereka mendekati aku. Ketika mereka mendapati aku dalam kecemasan salah seorang dri mereka menyapaku: ‘Wahai Khadijah! Aku adalah Sarah, ibunda Ishhaq dan tiga orang yang menyapaku adalah Maryam, Ibunda Isa, Asiah, Putri Muzahim, dan Ummu Kultsum, Saudara perempuan Musa. Kami semua diperintah oleh Allah untuk mengajarkan ilmu keperawatan kami jika anda bersedia”. Sambil mengatakan hal tersebut, mereka semua duduk di sekelilingku dan memberikan pelayanan kebidanan sampai putriku Fathimah a.s lahir.”
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Jaga gigi ketika bayi
PERNAH terfikir mengapa ramai antara kita ‘gerun’ apabila hendak berjumpa doktor gigi? Walaupun kita disaran menjalani pemeriksaan gigi dua kali setahun, tetapi rasa gerun ini menyebabkan ada orang hanya berjumpa doktor gigi kerana terpaksa iaitu apabila ada masalah berkaitan gigi; itu pun bilangannya boleh dikira. Selagi boleh, ramai cuba bertahan dan mencuba kaedah lain untuk mengurangkan masalah mereka.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
More UK children living in poverty
The number of British children living in poverty has risen for a second successive year, raising doubts about the government's commitment to halve the number by 2010.
According to government figures published Tuesday, the number of children living in poverty rose by 100,000 in 2006-2007 to 2.9 million before housing costs.
Pensioner poverty also increased for the first time since 1998, up by 300,000 to 2.5m. The numbers of both children and pensioners in poverty is even higher once costs such as rent and mortgages are taken into account.
Source: http://abna.ir/
Child's Creativity
Parents and teachers can and do have an effect on child's creativity. Creativity may be more influenced by environmental rather than genetic factors. In fact, it is promoted through the maintenance of a playful, jovial atmosphere that allows and supports the unconventional but at the same time distinguishes and elaborates on what is appropriate and useful. It develops when examples of different approaches are analyzed. It is more likely to thrive when adults express the idea that any problem can be worked out.
A characteristic noted about creative individuals that is worth mentioning is persistence. Those who display creativity often stick with an idea or problem well beyond at time when others get frustrated and quit. To assist your child to be more persistent, focus on conveying two attitudes. First, reflect the belief that no problem is essentially difficult. With further information or a change in strategy, perspective or persistence, any problem can be solved. Secondly, underline the concept that failure is a term related to situations, not people. Failure indicates a temporary state of affairs and only means that another method or more information and practice are needed.
Creativity is unique and the best way to recognize a child's creativity is to create a craft room. It facilitates a child not only explore it's talent but have fun as well. One has to plan this room in a way that the child loves being there and is stimulated to do some activity, craft and art to develop creativity and keep boredom away.
Child's creativity can be nurtured even as a toddler. It requires a great amount of time, patience and planning to keep toddlers occupied even for some time. The setting of the décor where the little one spends most of it's time should be pleasant. The wall should have stickers or murals of his/her favorite cartoon characters and the ceiling should be covered with glow stars or something of similar sort. This will work out during the story time when the child is put to sleep. The furniture should be placed at a height that can be reached by the child. The toys, craft materials etc can be placed in a place where the child can reach whenever he/she wants. It makes him/her independent and raises his/her level of confidence as well as keeps him/her busy. Small children love scribbling on the wall. Border the scribbling with a wooden frame .It will look as though the little one's creation is framed.
When the child is slightly older, say around five to seven years of age, one wall of a room could be devoted to the child entirely. It could be left blank for the child to scribble on it, paint, write poems or draw whatever he/she likes. Let the young one personalize it in any way he/she likes. If the child prefers, paint a story on the wall to fire his/her imagination. At this age, children at present spend their leisure hours playing games on the computer. The time allotted to play these games must be strictly monitored. The child must be encouraged to pick up a book, read it, and even narrate the story. They should be given a topic on which they can draw or create something using their imagination.
Encourage letter writing which not only improves communication skills but also helps the child to keep in touch with relatives and friends. Craft items such as painting with wet paints, sticking certain pictures and creating a collage etc can bring out the creative genius in these children while keeping them busy. Board games can be handy when friends and classmates come along. These can be kept within easy reach on open shelves that can be reached by the children. If time permits, this is the right age to introduce the child to an adult game like chess.
To conclude in order to develop a child's creativity,
i) Expose him/her to a diversity of cultures, experiences, people, and ways of thinking.
ii) Make them aware of the fact that there are different ways to think about a problem.
ii) Instill confidence in the child to try new experiences within his/her age level abilities and expectations.
About The Author
Mary Rose has authored several books including books related to children and childcare.For more information logon http://www.casanads.com/bm/children.htm
Article source: http://www.articlecity.com/articles/parenting/article_1657.shtml
A characteristic noted about creative individuals that is worth mentioning is persistence. Those who display creativity often stick with an idea or problem well beyond at time when others get frustrated and quit. To assist your child to be more persistent, focus on conveying two attitudes. First, reflect the belief that no problem is essentially difficult. With further information or a change in strategy, perspective or persistence, any problem can be solved. Secondly, underline the concept that failure is a term related to situations, not people. Failure indicates a temporary state of affairs and only means that another method or more information and practice are needed.
Creativity is unique and the best way to recognize a child's creativity is to create a craft room. It facilitates a child not only explore it's talent but have fun as well. One has to plan this room in a way that the child loves being there and is stimulated to do some activity, craft and art to develop creativity and keep boredom away.
Child's creativity can be nurtured even as a toddler. It requires a great amount of time, patience and planning to keep toddlers occupied even for some time. The setting of the décor where the little one spends most of it's time should be pleasant. The wall should have stickers or murals of his/her favorite cartoon characters and the ceiling should be covered with glow stars or something of similar sort. This will work out during the story time when the child is put to sleep. The furniture should be placed at a height that can be reached by the child. The toys, craft materials etc can be placed in a place where the child can reach whenever he/she wants. It makes him/her independent and raises his/her level of confidence as well as keeps him/her busy. Small children love scribbling on the wall. Border the scribbling with a wooden frame .It will look as though the little one's creation is framed.
When the child is slightly older, say around five to seven years of age, one wall of a room could be devoted to the child entirely. It could be left blank for the child to scribble on it, paint, write poems or draw whatever he/she likes. Let the young one personalize it in any way he/she likes. If the child prefers, paint a story on the wall to fire his/her imagination. At this age, children at present spend their leisure hours playing games on the computer. The time allotted to play these games must be strictly monitored. The child must be encouraged to pick up a book, read it, and even narrate the story. They should be given a topic on which they can draw or create something using their imagination.
Encourage letter writing which not only improves communication skills but also helps the child to keep in touch with relatives and friends. Craft items such as painting with wet paints, sticking certain pictures and creating a collage etc can bring out the creative genius in these children while keeping them busy. Board games can be handy when friends and classmates come along. These can be kept within easy reach on open shelves that can be reached by the children. If time permits, this is the right age to introduce the child to an adult game like chess.
To conclude in order to develop a child's creativity,
i) Expose him/her to a diversity of cultures, experiences, people, and ways of thinking.
ii) Make them aware of the fact that there are different ways to think about a problem.
ii) Instill confidence in the child to try new experiences within his/her age level abilities and expectations.
About The Author
Mary Rose has authored several books including books related to children and childcare.For more information logon http://www.casanads.com/bm/children.htm
Article source: http://www.articlecity.com/articles/parenting/article_1657.shtml
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
The Theme Song For The Backyardigans
Children loves to sing and watch cartoons. Besides they also like to play computer games.
For example, especially this videos;
May be they also like this one;
They are born to play, let them play up to age of seven years old.
This title : Backyardigans intro en español
Some even like this cartoon;
Barney : te quiero yo y tu a mi
or this one;
Pin Pon
With 22,123,903 views up to 18 May 2010
For example, especially this videos;
May be they also like this one;
They are born to play, let them play up to age of seven years old.
This title : Backyardigans intro en español
Some even like this cartoon;
Barney : te quiero yo y tu a mi
or this one;
Pin Pon
With 22,123,903 views up to 18 May 2010
Monday, June 18, 2012
The Soya Bean Story
This humble little legume has made great strides as a health food but not all soya products are created equal
THE soya bean (or soybean in the US) has long been recognised for its many health benefits. Being a good source of protein, it makes a great meat substitute for many vegetarians and vegans, and as an alternative source of plant protein for others.
For this reason, soya products have become increasingly popular nowadays. Chief among them are soya beverages or soya bean milk.
Made from whole soya beans that are ground and mixed with water to form a milk-like liquid, these soya beverages are then packaged and sold plain or added with flavourings such as vanilla, chocolate or coffee to enhance their taste appeal.
Although soya beverages are safe and nutritious for adults, they do not satisfy the nutritional needs of infants and young children.
They are not designed with the special needs of infants and children in mind and its exclusive use in infants and children can lead to severe protein malnutrition and vitamin D deficiency.
Severe protein malnutrition, known as kwashiorkor, is characterised by pigmented skin lesions, irritability and thin, sparse hair.
Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets, a disease that causes bone fractures and deformities and, in severe cases, the child may lose his/her ability to crawl or roll over.
Thus, parents should take note that soya beverages, even organic ones, do not provide the right ratio of nutrients needed for child development, especially for infants younger than a year old.
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THE soya bean (or soybean in the US) has long been recognised for its many health benefits. Being a good source of protein, it makes a great meat substitute for many vegetarians and vegans, and as an alternative source of plant protein for others.
For this reason, soya products have become increasingly popular nowadays. Chief among them are soya beverages or soya bean milk.
Made from whole soya beans that are ground and mixed with water to form a milk-like liquid, these soya beverages are then packaged and sold plain or added with flavourings such as vanilla, chocolate or coffee to enhance their taste appeal.
Although soya beverages are safe and nutritious for adults, they do not satisfy the nutritional needs of infants and young children.
They are not designed with the special needs of infants and children in mind and its exclusive use in infants and children can lead to severe protein malnutrition and vitamin D deficiency.
Severe protein malnutrition, known as kwashiorkor, is characterised by pigmented skin lesions, irritability and thin, sparse hair.
Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets, a disease that causes bone fractures and deformities and, in severe cases, the child may lose his/her ability to crawl or roll over.
Thus, parents should take note that soya beverages, even organic ones, do not provide the right ratio of nutrients needed for child development, especially for infants younger than a year old.
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Parents Pivotal role
Wednesday December 31, 2008
RAISING children is a paradoxical task. It starts out really hard for parents who want to do a good job of caring for their children. You think that all the hard work will pay off as the child gets older, but things do not always stay the same.
Parents have to be consistent when dealing with children, yet they have to keep up with the changes as their children grow and develop.
One father said this during a parenting seminar: “I used to have many parenting theories before I became a parent. Now that I am a father of three, I have no theories left.” Parenting is all about learning and experiencing. It requires work, time and loads of patience.
Language is the key to good communication between parents and children. It is not a Western thing to talk to our children. Using respectful language with children transcends all cultures. Children learn from the way we communicate with them.
Shouting or yelling at your children will make matters worse. They will open up to you when they feel secure, loved and respected. Threats will only confuse them and make them fearful to share their thoughts.
Most parents want their children to listen to what they say. They focus so much on seeking cooperation from their children that they overlook the importance of developing the child’s character. It is better for children to cooperate because it is the right thing to do, not because their parents told them so.
Parents forget that their children tend to mimic them in their behaviour rather than internalise their words. You want your child to tell the truth at all times, yet there are occasions when he hears you telling a white lie over the phone.
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Wednesday December 31, 2008
RAISING children is a paradoxical task. It starts out really hard for parents who want to do a good job of caring for their children. You think that all the hard work will pay off as the child gets older, but things do not always stay the same.
Parents have to be consistent when dealing with children, yet they have to keep up with the changes as their children grow and develop.
One father said this during a parenting seminar: “I used to have many parenting theories before I became a parent. Now that I am a father of three, I have no theories left.” Parenting is all about learning and experiencing. It requires work, time and loads of patience.
Language is the key to good communication between parents and children. It is not a Western thing to talk to our children. Using respectful language with children transcends all cultures. Children learn from the way we communicate with them.
Shouting or yelling at your children will make matters worse. They will open up to you when they feel secure, loved and respected. Threats will only confuse them and make them fearful to share their thoughts.
Most parents want their children to listen to what they say. They focus so much on seeking cooperation from their children that they overlook the importance of developing the child’s character. It is better for children to cooperate because it is the right thing to do, not because their parents told them so.
Parents forget that their children tend to mimic them in their behaviour rather than internalise their words. You want your child to tell the truth at all times, yet there are occasions when he hears you telling a white lie over the phone.
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From Marriage to Parenthood: The Heavenly Path
From Marriage to Parenthood: The Heavenly Path
From Marriage to Parenthood: The Heavenly Path
Abbas and Shaheen Merali
Source: http://www.al-islam.org/heavenlypath/
Published by:
The Islamic Education Board of the
World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities
Reproduced with permission by the
Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project team
From Marriage to Parenthood: The Heavenly Path
From Marriage to Parenthood: The Heavenly Path
Abbas and Shaheen Merali
Source: http://www.al-islam.org/heavenlypath/
Published by:
The Islamic Education Board of the
World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities
Reproduced with permission by the
Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project team
From Marriage to Parenthood: The Heavenly Path
Title Introduction Chapter 1 The Wedding Night Chapter 2 Sexual Etiquette Chapter 3 Important Fiqh Rules 1, For Married Couples Chapter 4 Family Planning Chapter 5 Conception Chapter 6 Pregnancy Chapter 7 Delivery Chapter 8 After Delivery Chapter 9 Breastfeeding Chapter 10 Important Fiqh Rules 2 , For Mothers Chapter 11 Raising Children Chapter 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY |
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Effective Parenting Skills
Effective parenting skills
What are effective parenting skills and how would we know if we were using them?
Effective parenting skills
Effective parenting skills are displayed clearly through a consistent parenting approach.
Clear, firm, consistent parenting is quality parenting. I believe being a consistent parent is both vitally important and totally necessary to ensure a happy family life.
In fact I would go so far as to state that I believe clear,consistent parenting produces well adjusted children and parents. This creates a happy family.
* Do your children whine and grizzle?
* Are you a push over and easily manipulated by them?
* Do you walk on egg shells around your children in order to maintain peace?
* How often do you give in after saying no?
* Are you in charge or do your children run your household?
Children learn best by being given clear, firm and consistent directions from parents who are clear, firm and consistent in their approach.
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Effective parenting skills
What are effective parenting skills and how would we know if we were using them?
Effective parenting skills
Effective parenting skills are displayed clearly through a consistent parenting approach.
Clear, firm, consistent parenting is quality parenting. I believe being a consistent parent is both vitally important and totally necessary to ensure a happy family life.
In fact I would go so far as to state that I believe clear,consistent parenting produces well adjusted children and parents. This creates a happy family.
* Do your children whine and grizzle?
* Are you a push over and easily manipulated by them?
* Do you walk on egg shells around your children in order to maintain peace?
* How often do you give in after saying no?
* Are you in charge or do your children run your household?
Children learn best by being given clear, firm and consistent directions from parents who are clear, firm and consistent in their approach.
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Effective parenting skills
Children Prone To Overeat
Prone To Overeat
WHEN it comes to cookies, some children really can’t help themselves, British researchers said.
In an experiment, researchers offered 131 four- to five-year-olds a plate of cookies after they had eaten a meal. They found that the children who ate more cookies were more likely to have certain variations of the FTO gene, a gene linked to larger body size, suggesting that for some overeating is genetically programmed.
"This research ... tells us more about how some children are more responsive to signals in their bodies encouraging them to eat when full than others," said Jane Wardle of University College London, who led the study. "Knowing how the genes work is the first step to minimising these negative effects."
Studies have shown people with two copies of the obese version of the gene on average weigh nearly 3kg more and are about 70% more likely to be obese than those with other versions.
WHEN it comes to cookies, some children really can’t help themselves, British researchers said.
In an experiment, researchers offered 131 four- to five-year-olds a plate of cookies after they had eaten a meal. They found that the children who ate more cookies were more likely to have certain variations of the FTO gene, a gene linked to larger body size, suggesting that for some overeating is genetically programmed.
"This research ... tells us more about how some children are more responsive to signals in their bodies encouraging them to eat when full than others," said Jane Wardle of University College London, who led the study. "Knowing how the genes work is the first step to minimising these negative effects."
Studies have shown people with two copies of the obese version of the gene on average weigh nearly 3kg more and are about 70% more likely to be obese than those with other versions.
Parents See Benefits of Kids Playing Video Games
By Dave Rogers - Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:09pm
PDT 3 Comments
Parents across America are recognizing the benefits of their children playing videos games, according to a new study from Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE). The results, published exclusively in the new November issue of Family Circle magazine, suggest parents are seeing improvements in hand/eye coordination, problem solving and typing skills.
In addition to basic education elements, the survey suggests video games are teaching children to think strategically. The majority of video games require players to follow rules, think tactically, make fast decisions and fulfill numerous objectives to win. This resonates with the 70% of the parents surveyed who have seen their children's problem-solving skills improve since they started playing video games.
Yahoo!'s website, Shine, which reaches 10 million women each month, hosted the survey throughout June 2008. The study found that 87% of parents who participated in the survey are spending time playing video games with their children. "Family video game nights are becoming incredibly popular with the variety of games out there," said Linda Fears, editor-in-chief, Family Circle magazine. "Parents and children of all ages are finding games to play together, no matter what each person's experience level."
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Saturday, June 16, 2012
Shaking A Crying baby Can Cause Brain Damage
Posted : Mon, 10 Nov 2008 03:13:37 GMT
Author : DPA
Category : Health
- A crying baby should never be shaken as this can cause severe brain damage or even death, Germany's professional association for paediatricians said in Cologne. Parents should first leave the room or count to 10 and take a deep breath before acting hastily and doing something they later bitterly regret, the association advises. A paediatrician could recommend a nearby outpatient clinic that can make the interaction with a difficult infant easier.
About 100 infants in Germany annually suffer severe brain damage because they were shaken by caregivers who, in most cases, were overburdened. This figure was reported by the census unit for rare paediatric illnesses in Germany, but the paediatricians association estimates the number of babies in Germany that suffer trauma from shaking is higher.
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Thursday, June 14, 2012
Teach Your Child Good Manners
Picture & article are taken from http://www.nspcc.org.uk/
How can you teach your child good manners? Dr William Sears, dad of eight, parenting expert and co-author of The Good Behaviour Book, shares his tips
One day, as I was visiting a school, an eight-year-old girl accidentally stepped on my foot. Within a second she turned and said, “I’m sorry” as she looked me in the eye with a concerned expression on her face. What struck me about her response is that it happened so quickly. Politeness was such a natural part of her behaviour that she didn’t have to think before she acted. That’s a well-mannered child.
Kindness, politeness and respect are learned in the home. If taught when children are young, such qualities become a habit and part of the child’s personality. You wouldn’t put your 16-year-old in a car and let him drive without teaching him the rules of the road. Kindness, politeness and respect are the rules of the road in life, and teaching them helps ensure a safe and enjoyable journey for our children, as well as the people who they share the road with. Read More
This news story is presented on the NSPCC website for information purposes only, and does not necessarily reflect the official views, policy or practice of the NSPCC. News provided by Adfero Limited. All stories are the copyright of Adfero Limited, and the content is intended for general information only. No liability is accepted for any errors or losses that may incur if the information is relied upon. Please see our official media statements on all aspects of child protection.
How can you teach your child good manners? Dr William Sears, dad of eight, parenting expert and co-author of The Good Behaviour Book, shares his tips
One day, as I was visiting a school, an eight-year-old girl accidentally stepped on my foot. Within a second she turned and said, “I’m sorry” as she looked me in the eye with a concerned expression on her face. What struck me about her response is that it happened so quickly. Politeness was such a natural part of her behaviour that she didn’t have to think before she acted. That’s a well-mannered child.
Kindness, politeness and respect are learned in the home. If taught when children are young, such qualities become a habit and part of the child’s personality. You wouldn’t put your 16-year-old in a car and let him drive without teaching him the rules of the road. Kindness, politeness and respect are the rules of the road in life, and teaching them helps ensure a safe and enjoyable journey for our children, as well as the people who they share the road with. Read More
This news story is presented on the NSPCC website for information purposes only, and does not necessarily reflect the official views, policy or practice of the NSPCC. News provided by Adfero Limited. All stories are the copyright of Adfero Limited, and the content is intended for general information only. No liability is accepted for any errors or losses that may incur if the information is relied upon. Please see our official media statements on all aspects of child protection.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Violent Video Games ARE Linked to Child Aggression
Giant Enemy Crabby Kids
By Austin Modine
Posted in Applications, 3rd November 2008 23:47 GMT
Studies connecting video games with real world violence have historically been... conflicting. It's almost as if the human brain is complex and doesn't dictate behavior based entirely on one particular stimulus.
Or something.
The most recent finding out there leans towards a direct connection. But it also attempts to avoid the causation/correlation problem of whether violent video games make kids more aggressive, or if aggressive kids simply prefer violent games. {Read More....}
Article Source: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/11/03/video_games_linked_with_child_aggression_us_japan/
By Austin Modine
Posted in Applications, 3rd November 2008 23:47 GMT
Studies connecting video games with real world violence have historically been... conflicting. It's almost as if the human brain is complex and doesn't dictate behavior based entirely on one particular stimulus.
Or something.
The most recent finding out there leans towards a direct connection. But it also attempts to avoid the causation/correlation problem of whether violent video games make kids more aggressive, or if aggressive kids simply prefer violent games. {Read More....}
Article Source: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/11/03/video_games_linked_with_child_aggression_us_japan/
Baby Feeding: Masa Menyusui
Masa Menyusui adalah masa yang sangat sensitif bagi kaum wanita. Islam sebagai agama yang sempurna mengajarkan kepada wanita bagaimana menyusui anak yang baik, utamanya memperhatikan masa ideal menyusui. Sebab, bila wanita tidak menyusui anaknya, tanpa ada uzur yang dibenarkan, sesuai dengan batas waktu yang ditetapkan Islam, maka ia dianggap berbuat aniaya terhadap anaknya.More here
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