Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Violent Video Games ARE Linked to Child Aggression

Giant Enemy Crabby Kids

By Austin Modine
Posted in Applications, 3rd November 2008 23:47 GMT

Studies connecting video games with real world violence have historically been... conflicting. It's almost as if the human brain is complex and doesn't dictate behavior based entirely on one particular stimulus.

Or something.

The most recent finding out there leans towards a direct connection. But it also attempts to avoid the causation/correlation problem of whether violent video games make kids more aggressive, or if aggressive kids simply prefer violent games. {Read More....}

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Baby Feeding: Masa Menyusui

Masa Menyusui adalah masa yang sangat sensitif bagi kaum wanita. Islam sebagai agama yang sempurna mengajarkan kepada wanita bagaimana menyusui anak yang baik, utamanya memperhatikan masa ideal menyusui. Sebab, bila wanita tidak menyusui anaknya, tanpa ada uzur yang dibenarkan, sesuai dengan batas waktu yang ditetapkan Islam, maka ia dianggap berbuat aniaya terhadap anaknya.
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