Who links to me?Work At Home Using The Spider Web Marketing Business Opportunity
I've been generating a huge downline and bringing massive amounts of targeted leads to my
"Spider Web Marketing System" and I wanted to share my secrets to sending the qualified traffic you need to make money online. First things first though, The Spider Web Marketing System depends on a few monthly residual programs to make sure you make multiple streams of income, and one of those programs central to the system and central to you making money is GDI - Global Domains International. I highly recommend you sign up before joining The Spider Web System so you can just add your GDI username to the system once you start setting up your income streams. You can sign up here now...
Global Domains International or wait until you set up your income streams with The Spider Web Marketing System. It's totally up to you. Let me explain how this all will work for you....
We don't send traffic directly to our business opportunities, we first build our list and then we present the business opportunity or products.
The Spider Web Marketing system allows you to build YOUR business first and to follow up on the leads as the case may be with auto responders, phone calls or any other means of communication. Also it allows us to find other bases of collaboration in case the prospect is not interested in our business and we don't waste the traffic and leads we have generated. The Spider Web Marketing System does everything for you.
As a free Spider Web Marketing member, you get automated lead generation, 21 streams of income, and access to your upline for assistance. You need traffic and loads of it! Follow the Tutorials and sign up with all traffic related programs from your Spider Web Marketing back-office and motivate your team members to do the same to profit from the viral effect of the traffic sources. Then simply promote your system using this web 2.0 traffic system...
"Traffic Secrets"What else? now you need Duplication and that means showing your team members how you build your business and motivate them to do the same. Your success is your authority and credibility and by using the same tools and strategies you build a team culture which is a great bonding factor. Further more: join meetings (online and offline where available or host them ) and motivate your team members to join meetings with new prospects, daily weekly monthly. Attend business related Seminars, and look into outside sources to promote your Spider Web Marketing System. Participate in all competitions and qualify for bonuses and prices and finally make it known, that you are successful with what and how you are doing it.
How to make it known? Publish your blog, get in control first of your name on Google, then on Business related key-words and make sure that who ever is looking you up on Google finds you and your qualifications to build credibility and trust. I have developed a strategy for doing so, the most aggressive and powerful tool I know of to get rapidly high visibility on Google; an example just last week-end I landed on Google rank 2 after just 3 days on a key word with
3.5 million returns! It's not hard to do, it's not rocket science, it's not even time consuming when you are using a powerful article submitter like this one...
"Article Submitter"I've chosen to be the leader with this system to create 100 Millionaires in the next few years and I truly want to support that mission (now you've heard me say it). Because like me, and probably others, you're sick of the rinky dink "here today, gone tomorrow" business models out there today. And now, while many people are losing their jobs and banks are going out of business, THIS is when this type of industry explodes....when more and more people are going online looking for a
legitimate ways to make money online from home. The numbers are staggering. In fact, many of my members are getting pretty darn rich in times like this....
and it's only the beginning.....
"ClickHere To Join The Spider Web Marketing System"About The Author
Anthony Scott Tomei is a internet business coach, network marketing, work at home expert and the author of "Confidential Wealth Secrets" Head over to his website and sign up for your free Web 2.0 traffic report now before it's BANNED! ==>
work at home, business opportunity, spider web marketing, make money online, traffic, web 2.0, business opportunities, gdi, global domains international, google, google rank, income streams, make money online from home, article submitterArticle Source
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Work At Home Using The Spider Web Marketing Business OpportunityArticle Author